Saturday, January 19, 2008

19 Jan: Election Day Chronicle / Cronica del día de elección (11)

Ya es público. El Padre Adolfo Nicolás es el elegido por la Congregación, y el Padre Kolvenbach, su predecessor, ha leído el decreto de nombramiento. El nuevo Padre General pronuncia su profesión de fe con la mano sobre una Biblia y delante del crucifijo que preside el aula. Sólo entonces será cuando todos los electores, comenzando por el Padre Kolvenbach, saludan a Padre Nicolás seguidos por toda la comunidad. Las expresiones de emoción y carino son constantes, muchos de los asistentes se quedan sin habla y simplemente abrazan al nuevo General con lágrimas en los ojos.

As the door to the aula opened, the whispers swept down the stairs: "Adolfo Nicolás, it's Adolfo!" It was public Father Adolfo Nicolás, former provincial of Japan and currently president of the Jesuit Conference of East Asia and Oceana, had been selected as the 29th Superior General of the Jesuits. Father Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, his predecessor, read the decree formally naming him, and then Father General Nicolás placed his hand on the Holy Scriptures and professed his faith, kneeling before a crucifix in the center of the aula. Only then did the electors--beginning with Father Kolvenbach and followed by the Curia community--congratulate the new general. Many expressed their emotion and affection by a wordless hug, and some had tears in their eyes.

[PHOTO 1] Tras conocer los resultados, el aula entera en pie ovaciona al Padre Nicolás mientras éste se dirige a la mesa presidencial. After hearing the results, all those in the aula rose to their feet applauding Father Nicolás while he walked toward the president's table.

Foto de Don Doll SJ

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